
Finding clarity & common ground

Insightful conversations at the crossroads of politics, faith, & ethics for citizens, communities, & churches

Whether your audience is concerned citizens, people of faith, or a little of both, I start conversations for both leaders and lay people towards common ground, empowering diverse audiences to navigate today’s challenging social & political landscape with clarity and conviction.


  • Faith & Politics: Explore the intersection of faith and political discourse, and the impact of spiritual formation on a Christian understanding of politics in a divisive, reactionary moment
  • Conspiracy Theories: Dive deep into the rise of conspiracy theories in our moment, understand their impact on communities & society, and steps we can take together that prevent their spread and influence
  • Fostering Common Ground in a Divided World: Delve into moral & ethical issues emerging from our fast moving political and social worlds, uncovering pathways to constructive dialogue and collective action.